Instore Radio: Scope of application “hospitality”.

Cost savings with instore radio services from MUSIC2BIZ

The use of MUSIC2BIZ’s royalty free music is practical and cost-effective. See for yourself and carry out a calculation with your individual data.

Music Cost Savings: Comparison „use of licensed music“ vs. „use of royalty free music".

Instore radio: Scope of application "hospitality"

GEMA fee €:

Total music costs per year €:

With all MUSIC2BIZ subscriptions the music supply is included. There are no additional costs for music procurement with MUSIC2BIZ.

licence fees and music procurement cost included

MUSIC2BIZ-Flatrate €:

Annual cost savings by using a MUSIC2BIZ flatrate


All costs plus applicable VAT "Gastronomy"scope of application: Sound carrier playback in restaurants, halls, canteens, ice-cream parlours and similar establishments (ID 568)Source: GEMA fee rates M-U For entertainment and dance music with sound carrier playback, status: 01.09.2017
Source: GEMA Online fee calculator
Basis of calculation:
Spotify Soundtrack Business" tariff or acquisition costs for music compilation CDs at an average purchase price of 15 € per compilation. Average total playing time per compilation CD: 1.5 hours, pro rata acquisition costs for sound carriers (1/10 of the acquisition costs per year), excluding personnel costs for operation

As easy as listening to internet radio

Similar to a radio station, MUSIC2BIZ can only play one music genre at the same time per channel.

If different music is to be used for each of the two areas, a separate channel license is required for each area. In each area the music genre can then be changed independently of the other areas.

Always the free choice

With all subscriptions, all of our 30 music genres can always be freely chosen and changed. With one channel license, all genres are available but for alternate use only; – not for simultaneous use in different areas.

If only one channel license is registered in a customer account, the change of the music program in one area automatically causes the same music change in the other areas connected to the music supply.

Check it out now

You can get an impression of the good quality of our music even without regstration. Just play the disc jockey right now. With a click you can visit our music samples page.

Better test right now. 30 days are free. In your test account, you will also find our tutorials, which will make your first steps easy. You can cancel the trial subscription by e-mail at any time within the first 30 days.

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