Cost comparison “licenced music” vs.”royalty free music” for fitness center

Cost comparison “licenced music” vs.”royalty free music” for fitness center

The use of royalty free music from MUSIC2BIZ is practical and cost-effective. See for yourself and carry out a calculation with your individual data.

Music Cost Savings: Comparison of use of licenced music vs. use of royalty free music"

Shop radio: Scope Fitness/Sport

Licence fee €:

Music costs per year €:

With MUSIC2BIZ the music supply is included. MUSIC2BIZ does not charge additional costs for the procurement of music.

License costs and music supply included

MUSIC2BIZ-Flatrate €:

Annual cost savings through use of a MUSIC2BIZ flat rate


when using gema free music

All costs plus applicable VAT.
Calculation basis for music procurement costs:
Tariff "Spotify Soundtrack Business" or purchase price for music compilation CDs at an average purchase price per compilation of 15 €. Average total playing time per compilation CD: 1.5 hours / Proportionate acquisition costs for sound carriers (1/10 of the acquisition costs per year), excluding personnel costs for operation.
Source: GEMA remuneration rates FITNESS- UND SPORTSTUDIOS, tariff overview 2019 | Reference: GEMA tariff finder

All data was researched with great care. However, we reserve the right to make mistakes. All GEMA data therefore without guarantee. Please contact GEMA directly if you have any specific GEMA questions.

Our fee model

The MUSIC2BIZ fee model is transparent, fair and easy to use: The fee is based on the number of areas to be supplied independently with gema-free music and their size in square meters. Learn more!

You want to save money on music fees. Here you can register for free. 40 royalty free music programs, which can be chosen freely in any tariff, provide choice and variety.

Just register and listen to our music programs 30 days for free.

Note: To prevent misuse, registration for the 30-day test is possible only with the provision of valid credit card data. You do not take any risk. Your credit card will be debited at the earliest after 30 days and only if you do not opt ​​for a subscription. Before expiration of the test period, you can cancel the subscription at any time by email or by simply clicking on the “cancel subscription” button in your customer account. DETAILS