All costs plus applicable VAT.
Basis of calculation for music procurement costs:
Spotify Soundtrack Business" tariff or acquisition costs for music compilation CDs at an average purchase price of 15 € per compilation. Average total playing time per compilation CD: 1.5 hours / Proportional acquisition cost for sound carriers (1/10 of the acquisition cost per year), excluding personnel costs for operation.
Scope of application "trade": sound storage medium reproduction for entertainment without event character in retail shops, department stores, department stores, wholesale shops, sales markets and the like, bank counters, bus stop shelters at airports, as well as in sales areas of craft businesses and petrol stations, in recreation rooms for petrol stations, in covered fuel pump terminals and in passenger lifts (ID 581 and 701).
Source: GEMA fee rates M-U For entertainment and dance music with sound recording, status: 01.03.2017 GEMA tariff calculator Online
All data have been researched with great care. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to make mistakes. All GEMA specifications are subject to change without notice. Please contact GEMA directly in all GEMA specific questions.