The user can manage his music compilation, scheduling of spots and announcements via one single administration interface, no matter whether an online streaming location or a store-and-forward location is being edited.
Music and content can be individually defined for each store, specific location groups and even for events limited in time.
The MUSIC2BIZ system is a flexible solution where the user can freely decide for each of his locations whether the music supply is connected via streaming or store-forward.
Basic Streamit Audio Receiver with integrated SD card:
Professional solutions for chain stores:
Professional solutions for individual locations:
The management interface is also designed as an integrated solution: Regardless of whether streaming or store-and-forward is used, the user can work with one interface for music compilation, scheduling spots and announcements without having to accept functional restrictions.
The entire system is designed for maximum safety. It can be easily integrated into the firewall concepts of the users. The audio receivers that are used on site are designed in such a way that they cannot be attacked by hackers. The devices cannot serve as a gateway into the customer system.
MUSIC2BIZ offers a maximum of system availability. By using a redundant server cluster, a guaranteed uptime of 98% availability of the cloud solution is guaranteed 24/7. In combination with the audio receivers on location, an extremely high level of operational stability can be achieved.
Proven hardware guarantees high operational reliability. Plug & Play configuration on delivery.
Professional music supply through access to a music database with about 80.000 Gema free music titles.
Centrally manage combined solutions of streaming and store-forward online. Including spots, announcements and similar more.
MUSIC2BIZ confirms to the customer in writing that all titles used are license-free.
License-free music (no GEMA/AKM/SUISA) for legal commercial use: 80,000 songs, over 4,000 hours of music, create your own playlists. No risk – can be cancelled at any time within the free trial period.
ROYALTY-FREE MUSIC PLAYLISTS – compiled for specific industries.
Expand your MUSIC2BIZ standard radio programme with curated playlists. Each playlist has been carefully compiled by music editors for specific industries.
All standard music programmes are licence-free or AKM- and GEMA- and SUISA-free. All titles have been checked in this regard, and written declarations are available from all music suppliers.
Our music programmes can be played directly via the browser. For branch networks, we recommend the use of our streaming receivers, which can be managed centrally online.