Background music for hotel areas

Background music for hotel areas
Musik für Hotels

Some examples of royalty free playlists for hotels

  1. Bar Jazz MUSIC2BIZ Zum Shop


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  1. Soft Pop MUSIC2BIZ Zum Shop


Copy and paste this code to your site to embed.

  1. Bar Vocals MUSIC2BIZ Zum Shop


Copy and paste this code to your site to embed.

Some examples from our royalty free music programs

  1. Jazz Mix MUSIC2BIZ


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  1. Piano Bar MUSIC2BIZ


Copy and paste this code to your site to embed.

  1. Classical MUSIC2BIZ


Copy and paste this code to your site to embed.

To register for the free 30-day test click on the button. In all music flat rate tariffs all 30 music programs are available without restriction. Between the music programs can be switched back and forth at any time. All our music programs are free from outside advertising.


Find out: How much you can save on your license fees!

And if you want to find out how much money you can save on our royalty free music every month, simply use our music cost savings calculator.

Royalty free background music for hotels

All compositions in professional quality: the music pieces are leveled in the volume and convince by their very good sound and vocal qualities.

18 music programs, which can be changed freely in any tariff, ensure individual choice and variety. All programs are guaranteed royalty free.

With the help of our flexible play list tool, a brand-adequate sound branding can be effectively implemented.

Your partner

for royalty free music
and sound branding